
On the 20th of July, Amrita Vidyalayam Mangalore, enthusiastically observed The International Chess Day with the inauguration of an inter-house chess tournament in the AmrIteshwari hall

The tournament unfolded with fervor, featuring both junior and senior categories, where students displayed not only their intelligence but also a commendable sportsmanship throughout the matches.

To honor the triumphs, a modest valedictory function took place in the presence of our Chief Guest, Mr. Derik Pinto, along with the esteemed Campus Director, Mr. Yathish Baikampady, and Principal Akshatha Shenoy. Mr. Derik took the stage to felicitate the winners, presenting them with certificates and prizes. The occasion was further marked by a friendly match played by Mr. Derik, instilling encouragement and a love for the game among the students. In his insightful speech, Mr. Derik emphasized how engaging in chess can serve as a valuable addition to paving the way for a successful life. The house winners were proudly announced for both the junior and senior categories, with Amritamayi securing victory in the junior category and senior category, while Jyothirmayi emerged as the runners-up in both divisions.